The British

The British
They always tell you they break your hands
They never do that, they only like to tell this
If you can't hear well they will repeat
If they do break them aferwards, they're not British
Unless there is no warning
And those are just basics

It was few yers ago
We found seargant laying in the bushes
He had his hands broken
we asked him: Were they British?
He answerd: how would I know?
I said chceck the manual
He replied, I can't I have my hands broken
I said, damn it, let me check mine
According to the manual they were British
One of them might been from Scotland
One from London
The rest isn't covered by the manual

Damn There was no warning
The worst case scenario
Sergeant had bad luck
We gonna get them this time

Two hours later we all had our hands broken
There were no warnings
They were British
That day was a black day in the firm history
However Stefan managed to twist one of their ankles
Wojtek poked one in the eye

End of the story